Reclaiming the Phrase "Trying Hard"
YouTuber and Digital education maven, Coach Lyqa Maravilla sits down with Joyce to talk about re-defining the collocation “trying hard” from being perceived a negative trait to possess, to a gritty characteristic to aim for.
Coah Lyqa is a registered psychometrician and a YouTube EduCreator. She is one of the most sought after resource speakers in different government agencies and has helped a lot of her students pass aptitude exams and college entrance exams through her contents.
Defining “Trying Hard”
Lyqa believes that in the Filipino context when people are called “try-hard”, there’s always a negative connotation under it, a derogatory term. It’s when a person is trying their best effort to be good in something they shouldn’t. But as Lyqa says, “There is nothing shameful about trying hard. It’s okay to try hard. You have to be more ashamed if you’re the person who doesn’t try at all. People who have time to throw stones at you don’t try hard for their life to be better. What’s important is that you’re taking a step towards your dream. Mas duwag yung mga ayaw mapahiya. At the end of the day, we are measured not by our potential, but by our hard work.”
“There is nothing shameful about trying hard. You have to be more ashamed if you’re the person who doesn’t try at all. ”
Time To Quit?
Grit is rising above circumstances, refusing to quit even after failing numerous times. That’s the definition of TRYING HARD. When people call us trying hard, it’s because we have the grittiness to rise above difficult circumstances. (JP)
“The one character that makes people successful is not intelligence, but grittiness. It’s GRIT. ”
When is it okay to finally quit the journey you’ve trying to pursue?
When we’re set out in a goal, we have that basis why we want to achieve that goal. There are some instances that we can’t really quit. But, when time comes that we’ve done everything we could, then that’s the time that it’s already okay to quit. “At the end of the day, it’s okay to quit, but ask yourself: have you done everything for that dream? Masarap magquit if you know that you’ve already given everything to pursue that dream and make it work, that, you’ve done your part.” (LM)
A character that you have to build side by side is self-awareness. Sometimes, we keep pushing through this door and banging our heads on this wall without really understanding what you need to have to achieve the dream. You have to be self-aware to know the things you need to build in order to get that dream. (JP)
There are a lot of possibilities out there and the problem with most of us is that we choose a path but don’t have that clear vision with its end. As we walk the path, we’ll discover our weaknesses. Facing those might not be easy but in the long run, we’ll realize how these will shape us and build our foundation in making choices.
How do you eat an elephant? You take it bite by bite. With any big thing that you try to do, we should not focus on the big steps rather we should focus on the small details how to achieve those goals or dreams. (JP)
Dreams and purposes are not easy to chase and understand at all but those who succeed through the process, grow through it. “Part of this process is constantly adjusting and having the humility of not knowing everything and you’re still growing. And if you’re purpose doesn’t work out, there will always be something better for you. “(LM)
It’s good to put pressure on ourselves, but it should be a tempered pressure where we don’t compare ourselves to other people around us but rather, we compare ourselves to what we were yesterday.
You’re A Try-Hard!
What will you do when you’re called a try-hard?
“Own it!”, Coach Lyqa stresses. “If you own it, it won’t hurt you. It will be part of your identity. You can impress people with your credential but you can inspire them by showing your weaknesses. And if trying-hard is a weakness, then own it because people will be inspired to be good and thrive at what they’re not. You’re not just trying for the sake of trying, but you’re trying hard. And it takes a lot of integrity, passion and humility. You can get by in life by just humility. ”
“At the end of the day, the most important thing that you can really do is to try harder. Because trying hard is not a bad thing. ”
From Episode 30 of Adulting with Joyce Pring: “WHY YOU SHOULD AIM TO BECOME A ‘TRY HARD’ FT. LYQA MARAVILLA”. Here are the episode highlights:
00:38 - Nerds unite!
2:28 - The connotation of the phrase “Trying Hard”
4:00 - That ONE character that makes people successful
4:52 - When is it okay to quit?
6:51 - Defining yourself and dealing with your weaknesses
8:23 - Discovering your purpose
10:41 - What if someone calls you a “try hard”?
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Adulting With Joyce Pring is the How-To’s of your 20’s told by a 20-something, traversing through life expectantly and with gusto!
Episode summary by Chiara Quebral
Soli Deo Gloria!