Joy is Love in Action

Joy breathed into life though love in action. 

That’s how our lives should be lived, I reckon, talking about being ‘hedonists and doing it right’ in my last post has brought me to this conclusion today — there is no fuller joy than serving God through our expression of love for Him and those around us.

Today marks my sixth year of doing outreach programs, and if I’m being completely honest, it gets more difficult every year to focus on the people who need our help and the humility to serve, rather than the satisfaction we get afterwards. I think that’s always the tricky part when it comes to these things - how do you know if you’re doing it for them or for yourself? But one thing I’ve realised throughout the years is that it’s always a little bit of both. To find our joy we serve others, and in serving others, we become vessels of hope and joy.

 I want to say thank you to the incredibly generous hearts that fuel World Vision Philippines; these are men and women who have dedicated their lives in service of Filipino children, in building sustainable communities for them. They have provided thousands with relief ops, connected sponsors to children in need of clean water, shelter, education, and they continue in their noble work today with such humble, joyful hearts - it brings me to tears. Thank you to our team today that comprise of people who served with us in Laurel, Batangas - Ate Phimie, ate Lani, Ate Danica and Kuya Mike. Thank you to my Ate Rona, Tin, and VCM family (Bonnie and Gelo) for all the help in today’s preparations and program; for always, really - you’ve become family to me. Thank you, Kenneth, for coming today and serving with us. To our partners who ceaselessly provide food, giveaways and supplies for kids every time we ask for their help, you guys have been an incredible hand of provision: Dewberry for (my favorite!) cookies, Seattle’s Best Coffee for the school supplies, GIBI with their shirts, Havaianas with our favourite bags and umbrellas, Quaker Oats with the delicious drinks, The Maverick with their pomade for the growing boys and additional school supplies, and San Mig Food Ave for our La Pacita crackers. 


Above all, I want to dedicate today to our Lord, Jesus Christ, for being our ultimate provider. I’ve gone through so many difficult stages in my life and I feel like instead of being hardened and calloused, He has designed me to become even more giving and loving, because of it. Today and for the past six years, I’ve proven this: His grace is enough. I have had my fair share of crazy seasons lined with wretched nature-driven decisions that have ultimately hurt me and those around me, but these days I’m just reminded that God is a God of redemption. He has given me nothing but chances to become a woman no longer defined by her past, but rather is invigorated with how much she is able to serve, love, and bring joy to others. 

I pray that you will be able to do the same. Life is not meant to be enjoyed through sporadic, unstable, bouts of happiness - but instead should be lived out abundantly, in all its fullness of joy and love. 

If you are urged to donate or sponsor a child today, please visit and become our partner in caring for Filipino children and building sustainable communities. 