Cambodia Photo Diary 2

Dear Interwebz,
I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've been in here. Quite disappointing, really, as much as I love writing and taking photos and catering to my art, I hardly do it anymore as I'm trying to figure out so many things that have been going on in my life, consequently making it difficult to devote the time to fill these blank pages. But here is a swoosh at it, hopefully it helps start an avalanche of content.
My second photo diary from a solo trip to Cambodia, just last August - composed of some Temple photos, happy pizza, and Elephant house (I refused to ride them as these elephants are usually extremely exhausted and put into horrendous circumstances to cater to tourism through elephant rides), Ankor What (a hip and happening place full of foreigners and happy locals who were more than excited to share a drink with the lonely girl at the bar)), night market, and bike rentals.
Writing this with the happy news that I will be out into the world again by the end of this week, off to Europe to study for a short course and trek its beautiful cities (alone), encouraging you to do the same.
Get out and get lost and realize you are right where you're supposed to be.
Love and grace,